Hi friends!
Wow, the end of 2019. Wow. Wow. Wow. This year my babies grew into toddlers, we executed 18 weddings (WHAT!), and I feel like I somewhat got into my groove being a work from home mama. Of course, there are some thing that didn’t go as I wanted, things that didn’t happen, and things that I want to work on as we go into 2020. So today I thought I’d share the good, the bad, and the ugly of the past 12 months.
“We all have the exact same 365 days. The difference is what we do with them.” -Unknown.
Let’s dive into what didn’t work first!
the new brand
We did not launch a new brand in 2019. There were points throughout the year where I was so close, but I backed off. I am so ready for the next chapter for OSDIM and I think where I’ve gotten stuck is I haven’t done the deep work to bring to life a brand that is fresh, elevated, and absolutely 100% authentic to me. It’s bothered me all year so I’m determined to make time for this huge milestone in early 2020. One Sweet Day has grown out of this current place she’s in and deserves to look and feel grownup.
Creative block
I didn’t step outside my box with any creative projects. There were talks about doing a few styled shoots here and there, but none went past the first steps. In 2020 I’d love to take my creative reigns back and execute or be a part of editorials. There is something to be said about creating something that is solely your vision not imagined by a bride or someone else. I’m craving full creative control and want this to be a huge element of 2020.
Family meals
Family meals! Gah! This is so hard for me! It’s still so much easier for me to make the kids dinner and Chris and I dinner after they go to sleep. We will all have dinner together occasionally, but more often than not it’s the kids then us. I did find Home Chef oven ready meals this year and they have been a God send. So 2020, I’m going to try once more to make dinner for the 4 of us and eat together. Caleb and Caroline will eat almost anything so pickiness is not an issue, it’s just for me it’s so much easier to separate the two meals. So 2020- let’s do this! Family meals! Yes!
Organization went out the window this year. I know my anxiety would lessen so much if I took the time to find a home for everything and organize room by room. So I’ve set up a organization schedule every week in January to tackle each space in our home. No more lack of organization in 2020!
Waking up early
Waking up early. Why oh why is it so hard? Our kids sleep like angels so I don’t even have that excuse. I love sleep. Doesn’t everyone? I blogger I follow recently gave some advice and said “wake up for your kids not by your kids” Such simple words that I know and have been saying for months would change my life. On the days where it magically happens I am happier, more productive, and just feel lighter. So 2020, please be good to me and help me wake up before everyone so I can start the day on my terms.
Working out. This of course goes hand in hand with waking up early. I did not work out once in 2019. I even started a whole new IG account dedicated to a healthier me. Started it right at the beginning of fall wedding season. Not smart. I have gained a few pounds this year and need to get them off. So my goal would be next year to wake up early and get in a workout class 3-4 times a week before chris needs to leave for work. I know this will be so beneficial for me. Just gotta do it!
What worked in 2019
building a team
I’ve talked many times about how hard it is for me to ask for help with anything. I have always been so independent. Something that I have slowly (read: like snail slow) have learned is that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Outsourcing is amazing. With that being said I’ve grown a small team this year for event days and behind the scenes. 3 of which you will be introduced to soon. As a planner who also handles florals it has been a hard lesson to learn to put trust in my team to take care of installations and other day of elements so that I can stay in my planner role. They are an amazing team. This has been a huge milestone for me and OSDIM this year and it will continue to be cultivated into next year.
Growing a community on Instagram and the blog. I love IG. Like really love it. I love interacting with y’all on there and it’s hands down been one of the most rewarding things of 2019. It’s brought you to the blog and started many friendships.
Studio space
The studio space! I’m filing this under kinda a win. It’s almost done. It goes with the brand and the final reveal will be when the new brand launches. It’s been painted though and is such a happy bright space. Many brides will walk through the studio next year and I can’t wait till it’s finished.
ideal brides
Ideal brides. My brides are the best. Their families- THE BEST. I’m so thankful to have booked such wonderful couples for 2020. It’s a milestone moment when you notice that inquiries and brides you are meeting with are brides you would love to work with. I think this comes with time and building vendor relationships. It’s a sweet spot for sure.
Sticking to work hours
I used to be so bad at sticking to work hours. This year I stuck to them and it feels good. My time is now shared between 2 kiddos that I love more anything so it makes me think harder about how to spend my time. This job is important to our family and requires hours and hours of time to maintain and grow it. But I’ve gotten better and mama blocks of time and work blocks of time and although not perfect a lot of the time, it’s been really great.
Me time
Me time! I nailed me time this year. I have some really wonderful friends in the past year with kiddos the same age as C&C and it’s been pretty great. I went on a mama retreat in February and another one in August and have a couple in the works for next year. Chris is such a great Dad and husband and is totally supportive of the me time that is needed for me to be the best mom and wife I can be. We have have always excelled at balance. He has guy’s night every Thursday night and it remains a pillar in our relationship for each of us to have our own time.
Date nights
Date nights! This goes hand in hand with me time I think, but deserves its own section. Before this summer we never had babysitters. I was too nervous and in my mind date nights could be at home after the kids go down. This summer I started slow with a sitter a couple of mornings a week while I ran errands or worked. That small step led to having a date night sitter every other week. It’s been wonderful.
Word of the month
I’m not doing a word of the year this year. By March I usually forget what it is anyway. I do like the idea of a word of the year though So I don’t want to totally abandon the idea.
For 2020 I’m going to be choosing a word per MONTH to more hone in on what I want to accomplish.
January’s word is align
Align because for me it means aligning my goals in their starting positions whether it be the brand, working out, or waking up earlier. I want to align everything before I really dive in. I am one to dive into quickly and then failure follows. Usually. So by aligning my goals in January I’m setting myself up for success. Align.
I hope you have the most wonderful new year, friends. Once again thank you for following along with me here and on Instagram. It really means a lot to me.
Some changes will be happening as we head into 2020. I’ll be sharing more lifestyle content. I’ve loved doing the Friday Favorites blog post this year and it’s really opened my eyes to what this blog could be. I think having a blog should be about content of value and things you the reader are interested in so expect LOTS more! I already “aligned” January’s blog calendar to start new content.
Starting next week our blog weekly blog series will be…
mama mondays-
Here will be anything mama and kiddo related.
Lifestyle Tuesdays-
This is where I’ll share more lifestyle content similar to Friday Favorites. Think, valentine’s day outfits, summer essentials, my top 10 sweaters for fall. That kind of stuff. Yay!
Wedding wednesdays-
I’m a wedding planner after all! This is where I’ll blog our weddings and talk about current wedding happenings.
Friday favorites-
Friday Favorites is of course not going anywhere next year! Y’all love it and I’m so happy!
So much to come in 2020 sweet friends! I hope you love it all.